Certificate of Excellence Scheme for Museum Professionals

"Certificate of Excellence" Scheme for Museum Professionals"

Objective of the Scheme

The objective of the Scheme is to acknowledge the achievements made by the employees of the Museums in order to encourage them to work hard in the pursuit of excellence.

General Criteria for consideration of the names of the Museum Staff

  • The official to be considered for the award should be a regular employee working in any of the museums covered under the Scheme.
  • The official should have done extraordinary work in museum related field/subject or should be pivotal in the evolution of an exemplary best practice.
  • The extraordinary work done or the best practice evolved by the officer/official must have a direct link in the required increase either of the number of visitors or in the revenue generation or resulting in public acclaim of the Museum concerned.
  • The work done or the practice evolved by the concerned officer/official resulting in the desired result in the previous financial year will be duly recommended by a Screening Committee, at the level of the Museum, and will have the following composition –

    • Head of Organisation
    • Two senior most curators/Museum professionals
  • The recommendation by the Screening Committee will be duly certified by the Head of the Organisation with respect to the work done or the practice evolved by the concerned officer/official resulting in the desired result, before being forwarded to the Ministry for consideration. It should be noted that not more than five names should be sent by a Museum in that given year.
  • The entries for the previous financial year should be sent to the Ministry by 15th of May of the current year. The Selection Committee should finalise and submit its recommendation to the Secretary (Culture) by the 15th of July. The Certificates should be awarded on 15th of August.
  • An official who has been awarded under this component of the Scheme would not be eligible for nomination during the successive 3 years counted from the year in which the award was bestowed upon him/her, except when there are extraordinary reasons existing which have to be duly recorded by the Screening Committee, e.g. an official who is awarded in the year 2015-16 would not be eligible for applying for next award before 2019-20.

Implementation of the Scheme

The scheme will be implemented annually. Nominations will be invited from all the museums in the country duly recommended by the Head of the respective museum.

Constitution of Selection Committee

The nominations for the certificate of excellence received under the signature of HoD of the various Museums in the Country will be scrutinized by a Selection Committee with the following composition.

  • Joint Secretary (Museums)
  • Director (Museums)
  • Director (IFD)
  • Two Heads of organisation of the Museum/Institutions under Ministry of Culture (by annual rotation)

After the consideration of the names of the staff received from various Museums the Committee will recommend names which in the opinion of the Committee deserve to be awarded the Certificate and submit the recommendation to the Secretary (Culture) for final approval.

The “Certificate of Excellence” will be issued under the signature of Secretary (Culture).