The National Salt Satyagraha Memorial, Dandi, Gujarat, India
The 'National Salt Satyagraha Memorial', Dandi, Gujarat, India is conceived as an experiential journey recreating the spirit and the energy of the 1930 Dandi March led by Mahatma Gandhi, and taking the visitors to the Monument step-by-step in order to visualise and understand the history of the iconic Dandi March and the methodology of Satyagraha, which finally led to India’s Independence from the British colonial rule.
'National Salt Satyagraha Memorial' is a project of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, advised by a High Level Dandi Memorial Committee (HLDMC), designed, coordinated and implemented by IIT Bombay in association with an International Design Team.
Official website of the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial: Click Here 
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